Reggie Brantner

When God gives us a gift it is given to first glorify Him, second reveal his nature and character to the world amd third to fulfill our purpose and move us towards our destiny.

If we are not aware of the gift, have not studied & understood the gift how are we then to implement these gists in pir lives in order to reveal our creator to the world.

Living in relationship from heaven to earth accomplishes the purpose and meets our longing for promise & destiny.


Family In Covenant

Redemption come to us through real time, real space and real people.  When we understand covenant deeply we'll gain a better understanding of God, His relationship with humanity as well as a better understanding of the Tanakh or Miqra which is the canonical collection of Hebrew scriptures, comprising the Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim. 

Return To Your First Love

With Jesus there is a cycle of Him giving us everything, we then give him everything, he then brings everything back with increase, we then give it back to him with increase.
It’s the cycle of life that we live as believers.
We choose where to level off when we stop giving and become consumers only.


Each grain of wheat has chaff protecting it, all success has chaff.  Every bit of progress we make has something to be discarded.  Chaff has a purpose… they are not evil things they have just become unnecessary things.
Not knowing that, has us actually embrace things that the Lord is wanting to free us from.


The Call

How is today's culture similar to that of the ancient books of the bible, what are the similarities in rulers & governments & citizens?  Pastor Jeff looks at the responsibilities and responses to todays life issues and shares the sometimes surprising bible responses.

The bride of Christ has only one response to her groom and it is neither complacency nor conformity to this world.


"Come I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb." Revelation 21:9


What is our righteous response to a call from a Holy Father & His Son?


I invite you to partner with us in pursuit of the betrothal,  blessing & beauty, individually and corporately.

Waiting On God

Pastor Jeff takes a deeper dive into Waiting on God and God's Timing. We as his sons are responsible for waiting while God is responsible for the timing.


The church needs a paradigm shift to realize that waiting is not inactivity but rather by biblical definition a position of expectation, anticipation, whirling in the dance and giving birth to the dreams, visions and promises of the Father.

The blessing here is realtionship and a refined focus on identity - purpose & assignment.


I invite you to partner with us in pursuit of the Glory of God both individually and corporately.

Christ In You

Pastor Jeff ministers on how our unique belief structure influences our perception of scripture.  The family, culture, socioeconomic factors, religious upbringing all forms a set of beleifs from which we perceive and understand scripture.

This means that each of us listening to the same sermon will take away something different based on our individual belief system. God uses it all to his honor and glory as he raises up sons based on their giftings and calling.

Peoples & Kingdoms

Jesus warned his disiples then as he does today to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. Leaven is an influence upon our thought and our affection is to be set on the gospel of Jesus Christ and not on a political ideology.

- Jeff Haynor


Don’t communicate in a false manner because if you do you’ll warp the structure that guides your actions and you will absolutely, suffer for that.

Click below to listen to past installments of this series! 


- Pastor Jeff

Pastor Jeff founded our church in 2001 with his wife Brenda and their three children, Jeremy, Stefani and Kristy. He has a strong passion to preach the word of God with boldness and without fear in order to see God's kingdom come and God's will be done. Pastor Jeff has traveled around the world, and has been in the ministry since his early 20s. His heart is to see the will of God fulfilled in every person and together to live his calling in Christ.