Personal Responsibility, Involvement & Growth

Personal responsibility really excites me! Personal responsibility is empowering! I have heard so many stories in my life about people earning something and the feeling of pride and satisfaction they felt knowing that they had done it! That feeling of empowerment that they had overcome and earned something. There are many times in life that we have an opportunity to earn something in our spirit, in our soul, in our body.

An empowered person has so much Godly potential! There is excitement and motivation in your bones when you are empowered! An easy example is exercise. You know when you haven’t done anything physical for a while and you feel out of shape? It takes a lot of motivation to start exercising. An encouraging word or an inspiring story, whatever it is gets you thinking, ‘maybe I could do that’.  It takes us making a personal decision to go for it. No one can make you do it. You step out for the first time and the exercise is hard but at the same time you start to feel good about yourself. You start seeing results. It starts to get exciting so you do more. Next thing you know not only is it easy to work out but you want to work out! That leads to even more results! Godly potential - You in shape! Because of one Godly choice, to start exercising. You have taken personal responsibility for your health.

What I have noticed is that when people feel good about themselves, they are more likely to get involved. Before making that choice to exercise and get healthy, people sometimes avoid involvement. Whether it's shame or embarrassment, people sometimes avoid physical activities. Things change a bit when you feel good about yourself.  People stop rejecting the invitations to be involved in physical activities.

It's easy for people to see an example like this for their physical body but it really is no different when it comes to our faith and our walk with God. Just like going to exercise for the first time, we have that same opportunity for our soul and spirit. We recognize that something is out of shape, our emotions, our walk, just like we did with our physical health. Start taking personal responsibility for your emotional and spiritual health. Start making decisions with God to direct your destiny! It’s not my wife’s job to guide me to the gym or to heaven. It's not my sons' job or friends' job to manage who I am or become. It's on me. It's on me to be all God intended me to be.  As I make those Godly decisions, it becomes easier to get swept up in what God is doing around me. It becomes fun and exciting to be involved! When that happens, it's hard not to just keep growing into the example of Him that he intended you to be!   

When you choose to take personal responsibility for things, it makes you feel alive! It makes you feel pride in what you have done. When I clean up those dirty clothes I left on the floor for a week, I feel good about my clean floor! When I clean up my soul or my spirit, I feel good about it! I feel empowered!

Personal responsibility leads to empowerment. Empowerment leads to involvement. Involvement leads to growth!

- Jeremy Drowne